Calendar and Timetable

This page displays today's timetable if trains are operating or use the interactive calendar to view other days. Our timetables are also displayed for reference.

Today’s Trains

Sun 19 May 2024

  • Yellow Timetable (Shottle)

Important Information

Trains will be running from Wirksworth and terminating at Duffield Holloway Road due to a landslip until further notice. This does allow passengers to enjoy the majority of the line, with the journey shortened by around 2 minutes only. Please note, there is no platform at Duffield Holloway Road. The adjacent map shows the affected area.

On days where the train runs to Duffield Holloway Road, full Day Rover fares will be in operation.

This information will be updated as repairs to the landslip progress.

Posted Sunday 31st March 11:00

Map showing Shottle and Duffield Holloway Road

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67Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus 89Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus 10Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus 11Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus 12Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus
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2021Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus 2223Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus 24Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus 25Purple Timetable
Purple Timetable
26Purple Timetable
Purple Timetable
2728Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus 2930Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus 31Service Suspended due to CoronavirusService Suspended due to Coronavirus   
 Blue Timetable
 Yellow Timetable
 Ravenstor Incline
 Purple Timetable
 Special Event Timetable
 Green Timetable

* There is no service on days coloured white on the interactive calendar.

Our trains are heritage and occasionally unforeseen breakdowns etc can occur therefore we reserve the right to change the type of locomotive advertised at short notice.

Yellow/Purple Days

The colours across the top of the timetable correspond to the colours on the calendar to indicate the type of train in operation on that particular day. Yellow days are scheduled to be steam hauled, purple days either diesel locomotive or DMU/railcar.

Green Days

The colours across the top of the timetable correspond to the colours on the calendar to indicate the type of train in operation on that particular day. Green days are scheduled to be steam hauled.

EVR Leaflet 2020

Why not download our Timetable and Guide 2020?
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